Welcome to Pershing Elementary!

Annette Bushaw, Principal
Annette Bushaw, Principal

I am honored to be the principal at Pershing with the opportunity to work with amazing students, families and a dedicated group of educators. Our priority is to provide a high-quality education for every student, every day.

Pershing Elementary School, is a Title 1 school located at 6402 Judson Street in Lincoln Nebraska, serving approximately 460 students in Preschool through 5th Grade. Our staff works closely with one another to provide a focused program of instruction. We honor diversity and individual strengths and strive for each student to experience success.

Pershing staff work collaboratively with one another to provide focused instruction as we implement rigorous academic curriculum across all grade levels. Specialists serve Pershing students in Music, Physical Education, and Art, while teachers deliver collaborative instruction with a Media and Computer specialists. Additionally, our Interventionists, Instruction Coach, Social Worker, and Special Education staff support students on a daily basis.

At Pershing, we make sure students understand and can demonstrate what it looks like and sounds like to be Safe, Respectful and Responsible. There are two guiding principles for acceptable behavior: first it is never okay to be hurtful; and second, it is never okay to be disruptive.

Teachers work through Professional Learning Communities to review student progress on a regular basis and respond to student needs through a wide range of researched-based instructional practices. Common area expectations are taught, practiced, and reinforced throughout the year to support a positive school culture and climate where all students can achieve success.

Additional student programming includes: TeamMates, Child Guidance, Food Bank Backpack Program, Math Intervention Support and Literacy Intervention Support. Pershing partners with our Community Learning Center to provide before and after school programming to meet the care and academic needs of students and families. The Pershing Parent Teacher Organization (PPTO) is a group of committed parents and staff who enhance this sense of community and learning through the many activities they plan throughout the year.

We invite you to become an active, collaborative partner in the Pershing School Community. Together, we make a difference!

Annette Bushaw
Principal, Pershing Elementary School

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Pershing Positive Affirmations: I am somebody. I am smart. I am kind. I am a leader. I choose my attitude. I work hard. I am loved.

Upcoming Events

Mar 10

to Mar 14Schools are Closed

Mar 17

First Day of Quarter 4

Mar 17

Day 1

Mar 17

3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Second Grade Musical Rehearsal

Mar 18

Day 2

Mar 18

6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

PTO Meeting

Mar 19

Day 3

Mar 19

3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Band Rehearsal

Mar 19

3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Second Grade Musical Rehearsal

Mar 20

Day 4


School Hours

8:15 a.m. to 2:53 p.m.

Office Hours

7:30 a.m.—4:00 p.m.


ParentVue / StudentVue
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Important Information Booklet, Common Practices and School Handbook

Title I for Parents
Letter, Compact, Policy

Catalog search, Online Databases, eBooks


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