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About Fredstrom Elementary

Fredstrom Elementary, located in the Highlands subdivision in northwest Lincoln, opened in 1983, and renovations/additions were completed in 2011. The school was named in honor of Dr. Rudolph L. Fredstrom, a distinguished educator in the Lincoln Public Schools. It was Dr. Fredstrom’s desire that each child develop an “appetite for learning”. As such, our staff believes that learning should be a successful, challenging and enjoyable experience for all children. High academic and behavioral expectations contribute to student success. The school is organized into teaching teams, which help facilitate successful instructional levels for each student. Teams of dedicated and talented staff work together to provide top quality instruction in a safe and caring environment.

Family support for education at Fredstrom Elementary is high. Volunteers (at home, in school, P.T.A.) logged hundreds of hours this past year, in addition to the regular support provided to students in each home. Children certainly benefit from this wonderful level of involvement. Together we make a difference for our students!

Our Vision

At Fredstrom Elementary kids come first! We will not put limits on any child’s potential. We will hold high expectations for academics, behavior, and character development. It will be our job to help students achieve more than they’ve ever dreamed possible. “On grade level or above” will not just be a statement-it will be our belief.

We believe that learning should be a joyful, hopeful, experience for all children. As such, we will support students as they face the challenges of learning. Risk-taking will be encouraged as students move beyond the comfortable to the unknown. Perseverance, curiosity, desire and motivation will be traits seen in our students, nurtured by our staff. We all will truly be learners.

We believe in the collective power of our teams. Collaborative adults working together, learning and teaching, will provide a model for our students and community. Decisions made together have the benefit of many views and much wisdom. We will all benefit from strengths of one another. We believe we are meant to be the difference in each child’s life.

At Fredstrom elementary, our community will warmly embrace all who join us. We will provide a safe and caring environment where students feel a sense of belonging and where respect and responsibility are expected and shared. Differences and diversity will be embraced. Open, honest communication will be the norm and trust will flourish. Together we will help all of our students believe, achieve and succeed!

Our Mission

The Fredstrom Community
Soaring to Success…
Supporting, Offering, Achieving, Reflecting

  • Supporting the whole child
  • Offering opportunities
  • Achieving academic excellence
  • Reflecting on our impact

Supporting the whole child…

At Fredstrom Elementary kids come first! We are building a community where our children feel safe and supported by caring adults. Trust is built and relationships flourish.

Offering opportunities…

At Fredstrom Elementary we believe in creating opportunities for students to learn and grow academically, socially, and behaviorally. We cultivate well-rounded learners through authentic exploration and collaboration as 21st century learners.

Achieving academic excellence…

At Fredstrom Elementary we strive to continually set challenging and purposeful academic goals. We embrace learning, focusing on increasing engagement, promoting risk-taking, and fostering problem solving, in order for students to move beyond the comfortable to the unknown.

Reflecting on our impact…

At Fredstrom Elementary we work together in collaborative teams to develop positive and productive life-long learners and leaders. Motivated teams create an atmosphere of joyful learning, where success is celebrated. Along with our students we will make a difference in our world.

SIP Goals

Our goal at Fredstrom elementary School is to increase the achievement of all students, in all academic areas.  

All students will improve their ability to read and comprehend text across the curriculum.

All students will improve their ability to solve mathematical problems.

Achievement of these goals will be measured through team PLC developed assessments, as well as district and state assessments.